Monday, October 26, 2015

Arse Moreira

A band from mexico that explores chaotic hardcore and screamo, this tiny short discovery isn't even enough for me. This band only focused on splits (What a bummer on that) I like this tape to be considered as a full length release because it is pretty much it but yes it is a discography. The lasted a pretty good while for some more song to have been made, we will never know the reason why they never did. Most of the songs are on WAV (Sorry) but the quality is beyond excellent. I think one of the songs may be on mp3 though. Total is about 118 mb so if you have high speed internet that should be no problem. That one canadian label who put these out are selling them cheap I think it was like 6 dollars or something it's definitely one of those tapes to have on your collection. As an update to this blogspot I have some cool stuff to put out here soon. A mix of dead new, new and dead old bands. I recently bought a vinyl/cassette converter cord that does the job for both. I do have a bunch of tapes and as well some few vinyl records to rip out I should be expecting that on my door step no later than by early November.


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