Friday, November 10, 2017

Foxtails lll CD

So like now to get some of this years releases out of the way. I am still waiting on 2 12" records to arrive but for now I will get started with what I have. So back in 2015 I digged this bands first album which is up here. This band released a 2nd full length entitled "III" which is the 3rd release by them (not counting the split they did) So I ended up going with the CD format rather than the cassette version. It was cheaper and I got tired of cassettes (I bought a handful this year) So like this band does more of what was brought up to the bands 2nd release which was that EP. There is more yelling involved and what not. I am glad this is a jewel case CD since it is easier to replace the parts. Sadly there is no lyrics sheet but the whole aspect of these being handmade that includes a thank you card makes up for it. I don't really like mathy/"twinkly" bands but I will admit this is one of the few that are actually good and I surely recommend to pick up a copy of the CD. I can't get into a lot of detail with the format because it is simply a CD and doesn't offer much to look at but considering these are for 5 dollars with free shipping that comes with a cute ass thank you card makes it worth getting. I am just glad this CD looks so good next to their other release. I would love to see this on vinyl next year that is for sure. The production on this album is amazing and deserves it.


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