This band was one of those myspace era bands from Florida. 2007-2008 had some really good active bands and possibly the most memorable considering I was 17 at the time. Lion of the north, Cheer up! Sleep patterns, Boy problems, Ghost towns, Lautrec, The reptilian, Native, etc. Cassettes released one full length and 2 splits during its run. Might sink ships has the most memorable songs of theirs. The entire 8 song length is fucking good. Jordan from screamotapes blogspot had asked me about this band and I sent him a file with all of the songs. I decided to give you guys the file as well. One of their splits is with Cowboys are Indians which I had mentioned them on here at one point. The band lasted from 2007-2011 I believe (Might sink ships in 2007, Cowboys split in 2008 and the other split in 2009) final 2 years the band did not release anything else. They sound a little like Ghost towns and Cowboys.
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